The company/balticfinance strives to provide an excellent service to all customers. Nevertheless, disagreements or misunderstandings might occasionally occur. The company/balticfinance takes all complaints seriously and makes the best effort to resolve them promptly. If the insured person has a question or complaint about this insurance policy, the agent or the broker, he should contact balticfinance:
balticfinance Danmark A/S
Postbox 302
6330 Padborg
Phone (+45) 70 25 01 08
Your complaint will be acknowledged, in writing, within 3 (three) business days of the complaint being made. A decision on your complaint will be provided to you, in writing, within 8 (eight) weeks of the complaint being received.
Should you remain dissatisfied with the final response or if you have not received a final response within 8 (eight) weeks of the complaint being received, you may be eligible to refer your complaint to the Insurance Complaints Board in Denmark. The contact details are as follows:
Insurance Complaints Board
Østergade 18, 2
1100 København K
Tlf: +45 33 15 89 00
If you have purchased your contract online you may also make a complaint via the EU’s online dispute resolution (ODR) platform. The website for the ODR platform is www.ec.europa.eu/odr
The complaints handling arrangements above are without prejudice to your right to commence a legal action or an alternative dispute resolution proceeding in accordance with your contractual rights.